.. _`Color space conversion`: .. _`syip.color_space_conversion`: Color space conversion `````````````````````` .. image:: image_colorspace.svg :width: 48 Converts each pixel in a multi-channel image into another colour space Documentation ::::::::::::: Algorithms ========== **grey2cmap** Converts greyscale values after normalization and scaling from 0 - 255 into a matplotlib colourmap. :cmap: The colormap to use in conversion More info: https://matplotlib.org/examples/color/colormaps_reference.html **greyscale** Transforms RGB images into greyscale :luminance preserving: Use weighted average based on separate luminosity of red-green-blue receptors in human eye. Only works for three channel images **hsv2rgb** Interprets input channels as Hue-Saturation-Value (HSV) and outputs Red-Green-Blue (RGB) channels. More info: http://scikit-image.org/docs/0.13.x/api/skimage.color.html#skimage.color.hsv2rgb **lab2rgb** Interprets input channels as sRGB and outputs CIE LAB channels. :illuminant: CIE standard illumination spectrum :observer: Aperture angle of observer More info: http://scikit-image.org/docs/0.13.x/api/skimage.color.html#skimage.color.rgb2lab **rgb2hsv** Interprets input channels as Red-Green-Blue (RGB) and outputs Hue-Saturation-Value (HSV) channels. More info: http://scikit-image.org/docs/0.13.x/api/skimage.color.html#skimage.color.rgb2hsv **rgb2lab** Interprets input channels as sRGB and outputs CIE LAB channels. :illuminant: CIE standard illumination spectrum :observer: Aperture angle of observer More info: http://scikit-image.org/docs/0.13.x/api/skimage.color.html#skimage.color.rgb2lab **rgb2xyz** Interprets input channels as sRGB and outputs CIE XYZ channels. More info: http://scikit-image.org/docs/0.13.x/api/skimage.color.html#skimage.color.rgb2xyz **xyz2rgb** Interprets input channels as CIE XYZ and outputs sRGB channels. More info: http://scikit-image.org/docs/0.13.x/api/skimage.color.html#skimage.color.xyz2rgb Definition :::::::::: Input ports =========== **source** image source image to filter Output ports ============ **result** image result after filtering Configuration ============= **Algorithm** (algorithm) (no description) **cmap** (cmap) (no description) **illuminant** (illuminant) (no description) **luminance preserving** (luminance preserving) (no description) **observer** (observer) (no description) Implementation ============== .. automodule:: node_colors :noindex: .. class:: ColorSpaceConversion :noindex: